Return to Hall of Fame


Fifth US ProMiniGolf Association

Hall of Fame Inductee

Ron Blum-Little River, South Carolina

USPMGA would like to recognize Ron Blum, local resident of Little River, South Carolina, a buckeye fan, and a United States Marine, into the Hall of Fame, October 15, 2016 during the celebration of the 20th year of the Master’s. Blum is being inducted for his sportsmanship and a dedicated referee for the USPMGA for the past 16 years.

Blum has been a valued employee of Hawaiian Rumble Golf in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and when he learned about the Master’s, USPMGA President Bob Detwiler honored him as the official referee and the Sports officer delegate to World MiniGolf Federation. Blum is excited to see the returning pros every year during the Master’s and feels they all are members of his family. During 2005 Master’s, there was a rainstorm that Blum called a “Tsunami.” Blum had all the staff and other competitors squeegeeing the greens so play could continue. Aside from minigolf Blum enjoys his job, waiting on the tourists, taking care of the birds and turtles. Some yearly regulars who know him as the man dressed all the way to his shoes in buckeye clothing, make it a must to visit the course to see Blum and play where the pros play. He spends his days off working in the yard and entertaining his three dogs, but says he would work eight days a week if he could. President Bob Detwiler says he is a very loyal and honest employee, and a local favorite that customers enjoy talking with, Blum will be unreplaceable when he finally decides to hang it up.