Fourth US ProMiniGolf Association
Hall of Fame Inductee
Vance Randall-North Carolina
Vance Randall, North Carolina native, inducted into the United States ProMiniGolf Hall of Fame October 15, 2016 during the celebration of the 20th annual Night of the Master’s. Randall’s achievements include the break through between the USPMGA and the Pro Putters Association, allowing the PPA to play on both tours. Randall aided in spreading the fine word of US ProMiniGolf Association making an impact on the tour that encouraged players from PPA to play in USPMGA tournaments, making US ProMiniGolf the first class tour for the United States. Randall had the opportunity to compete on Team USA where they traveled to Austria to compete in 2005 with his son, Robert, who carried the United States flag for Team USA during the parade in the opening ceremony!
Following his previous achievement in PPA Randall played many USPMGA Master’s tournaments winning multiple senior division titles. To this day Randall still competes in some tournaments and if he is competing, he is there to support his miniature golf family with wife Shirley. Randall, better known as the “old pro” is one of the best putters ever to play the game and one of the best promoters of the USPMGA tour. The USPMGA owes a big debt of gratitude to Vance Randall for all his great work spreading the word about USPMGA tournaments and how professional they are. Thank you Old Pro!
-Robert Detwiler. USPMGA President, October 15, 2016